Wednesday, June 27, 2007


well..the craze got over me and i ended up voting...for the taj off course...maybe i would have done for the sheer pleasure of watching it on the list..but i actually saw the taj..and it was my luck that i ended up in agra on that particular day, watching the taj...despite the happenings on my departure from delhi...

coming out of my room, as i was bout to start off..i was greeted by the monsoonal rains early in the morning..fully drenched from top to i waited agonishingly for the next half an hour in the metro station...waiting for the dudes: aba and apiya hindu...the tempestous part of me gave my bad luck would have it..i ended up getting a call from the tour operator..seems like he had waited for long in arunachal bhawan..that was the place where we were supposed to be picked up..we four...the fourth being my close pal: gote... delhi wallas can blurt out some of the choicest of i was in the metro..drenched fully and getting the most of it from a delhite...couldnt stand it..and i decided..well enough is not going to agra...

as i reached brooding temper had taken over me and i handed my camera to gote..and said bye..they would not let me just go away like that..somehow i was coaxed into the air conditioned bus...and was hell of a journey...the cold clime inside the bus made me shiver...and i started abusing those who had coaxed me into getting into this situation...but as we neared agra... my clothes started drying up..and we were welcomed by a pleasant afternoon..after the mandatory tours to the agra fort and the UP handloom and craft building..we were headed for the taj..

the taj stood before architectural marvel...well..i just couldnt have enough of was just words...we had a nice time..i had a nice time..i forgot to thank my brothers for that..i dont want to miss the chance now..thank bros...

to vote:

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